What My Clients Say?

Hundreds of customers are delighted. See what some of them said!

أ. عبد الرحمن الحجري

مستشار إداري شركة عهد للأعمال

كانت الجلسة مع المستشار الأستاذ محمد شكري جلسة مثرية جداً استفدت منها على الصعيدين المهني والإجتماعي والأسري تعرفت على شخصيتي بشكل أكثر دقة والأهم من ذلك تعرفت على طرائق للاستفادة من صفاتي الشخصية بأقصى ما يمكن شكراً مستشار أ.محمد 🙏🏽

أ. رائد الجهني

رئيس قسم تطوير الموارد البشرية أمانة محافظة جدة

الجلسة كانت جداً مفيدة، فهمت نقاط القوة وكيف ممكن استفيد منها واستغلها، و كيف تم ربط نقاط القوة مع بعض والكوتش يعطيه العافية كان شرحه للنقاط لي وتوضيحه بأن نقاط القوة عندي موجودة وانا غير مدرك لها، والي اتضحت لي من مواقف واجهتها وتعاملت معها من قبل. شكراً للكوتش محمد شكري وإن شاء الله القادم افضل بإذن الله

Walid Hefnawy

Associate Vice President Palm Hills Developments

Mohamed is the most talented person in coaching field, I'm strongly recommending him for analysis and recognition of strength and weaknesses of your company's staff.

Hamed Lotfi

Marketing Manager BMW Egypt

Words can’t express how beneficial working with Shoukry has been to personal life & Career. I started working with Shoukry because I wanted to maximize my potential both in a professional and a personal capacity. He has been able to quickly shine a light on areas that weren’t necessarily apparent to me and help me build clear plans and accountability in the pursuit of my goals. He helped me identify my strengths and more importantly his tactics made me acknowledge my areas of opportunity for growth. His coaching gave me the boost and encouragement I needed to take my career to the next level. His approach to coaching is customized to fit his clients’ needs. He pushes me beyond my comfort level to visualize my best self, and He holds me accountable for verbalizing and then walking in that vision. I understand myself so much more, and I’m able to better identify negative patterns and course-correct faster. He adds such value to my professional and personal life.

أ. محمد باغريب

مدير التدريب والتطوير شركة لجام

رأيي في الجلسة : استاذ محمد لا تشعر انها جلسة بين كوتش ومستفيد معه نهائية مريح جدا في التواصل بالاظافة انه محترف وتشعر انه يتقن مايقوم بعمله شعرت اني اقرأ نفسي وارأ اختياراتي بوضوح شكرا جزيلا

أ.د مرشد العقيل

أستاذ دكتور لغة عربية جامعة الأمام محمد بن سعود

تشرفت بإجراء جلسات تحليل مقياس كليفتون مع الدكتور محمد شكري، وكان بحق البلسم الشافي والبحر الزاخر، بعده النفس هدأت والمشاعر قرّت والعقل انطلق وحلّق، فله من الشكر أجزله، ومن الدعاء أبلغه، وأسأل الله أن يزيده رفعة ومكانة.

Eng. Ahmad Akmal, PhD

Project Controls Director Palm Hills Developments

Mohamed was my mentor in the one-on-one session regarding strength based leadership. I have to say he made the session very interesting and insightful. The way he shared the bright and dark sides of each talent I posses was quite to the point. He was very generous sharing some personal and career advice which I am sure will help me prosper and leverage the benefits of those talents. Despite the fact that it was only one session, he gave more than enough elaboration on all the talents and strenghts and how they affect my life and way of thinking. I believe he is a very good mentor but more importantly a very honest one.

أبو بكر خالد

مستشار تنفيذي سياق للاستشارات وحلول تمكين القدرات

ممتن لك كثيرا أخي العزيز محمد على الجلسة الرائعة والمميزة التي استوعبت فيها كثيرا من مواهبي ونقاط قوتي الشخصية حقيقة أسلوبك في الجلسة يحفز على التأمل والتعمق في الذات وما فيها من مواهب كامنة، شكرا من الأعماق عزيزي الكوتش محمد شكري

م . محمد السمان

المدير التنفيذي شركة مأوى للخدمات الاجتماعية

باختصار ، الأستاذ محمد شكري كفاءة عالية متجسدة في كوتش رائع. أسلوب مقنع وواضح ، واسترسال في طرح المعلومة ، وتمكن وإحاطة عميقة. جلسة زادت عن ٣ ساعات ونصف مرت كلمح البصر مليئة بالدروس والفائدة والمتعة والعمق. إنه السهل الممتنع. رجائي له بالتوفيق.

Dr. Khaled Barakat

Partner, Senior Consultant ZAD Solutions

السيشن كانت متميزة جدا ومختلفة وأكثر شئ مختلف فيها أنه دخلني معاه في فقاعة مغلقة (بابل) عيشني في الجو الخاص بالسمات الشخصية وكان مديني براح جدا جدا في المناقشة والأسئلة اللي كان بيسألها علشان يأكدلي أنا فاهم أيه عن نفسي في الجانب المظلم والجانب المضئ في شخصيتي . محمد متمكن جدا من التعريفات الخاصة بسمات القوة وعارف كويس أوي الجزء الخاص بشرح كل سمة من السمات وفي نفس الوقت عنده قدرة عالية جدا علي ربط السمات ببعضها والديناميكس بينهم وأزاي السمات ممكن يتفاعلوا مع بعض سواء بالإيجاب أو بالسلب . كان مديني المساحة أني أتكلم وأطلع اللي جوايا جدا وده كان فارق معايا أوي أني أنا مش مجرد قاعد أسمع كلام وشرح فقط وكان محترم جدا وجه نظري و قرآتي حول الموضوع وكان مرن جدا ومكنتش حاسس أني قدامي شخص بيملي عليا الكلام لكن كنا بنتناقش حتي نصل لأدق فهم للسمات الشخصية. ودائما بتذكر الجلسة دي بكل خير ومبسوط جدا بأسلوب محمد في الكوتشينج ما بين (البروبنج والبوشينج والبولينج) الحقيقة كان مستوي عالي أوي .. بشكرك أوي أوي وبنصح وبشجع أي حد عايز يسمع عن نفسه وعن تقرير جالوب بتاعه أنه يتعامل مع شكري

Dr. Sarah Kashef, DBA

Talent Management Manager OneHealth by AXA

“Mohamed is a very professional trainer, I felt a great value added from attending Competency based L&D course and I have the motive to attend with him any other course as he made a great difference in my knowledge and I took a strong push forward, He has his unique way and passion in teaching , I recommend him without any reservations.”

Nashwa Akl, MBA

HR & Quality Director El Arabi Pharma Group

“ Mohamed's creative thinking, expertise, positive can-do attitude and drive as a business oriented & very professional made him an absolute pleasure to work with. He continually delivered results, went above and beyond in providing exceptional service and support, and showed genuine integrity and respect as an expert head hunter and professional trainer. Mohamed is enthusiastic, personable, great supporter and a brilliant networker. His strengths in staying across issues, pro-actively offering solutions and ideas and being adept at all aspects of communications make him a valuable contributor to any situation or team.”

Mohamed ElDeeb

Customer Experience Manager Etisalat Misr

I enjoyed an amazing coaching journey with Mohamed Shoukry, simply he is very competent, tactful and knowledgeable. He helped me raise my self-awareness and deep understand my self that made me more mindful about "Who am I?". Really thanks a million

Ahmad El Mosallamy

Talent Acquisition Lead - MENA & Turkey Property Finder

“ The relation: I got certified TOT with Mohamed as my Trainer. Mohamed is competent in different areas but I am writing this recommendation for a specific competency which is "FLEXIBILITY" that i personally experienced when i was his student with a group of people in the TOT certification. We asked some changes in the material and way of delivery. We were surprized that Mohamed took action right away and spent nights to make a total change in the program to closely fit our needs and the next class happened at its scheduled time as if we started a new program. Big THANK YOU for the Flexibility, Respect, Professionalism, Ownership, Care and Knowledge you gave me and wish you more and more success.”

Mourad Abbas

Group Talent Development Manager Hassan Allam Holding

“ Mr. Mohamed is a very knowledgeable person who could add a practical solutions for many challenges happened in the work field specially when it comes to HR challenges , i attended with him competency based training and development workshop and really he added a lot to me, also he is very cooperative and welcome any question or problems, in addition to his willing to share information and materials. .”

Eslam Adel

Talent Management Section Head B.TECH

“Mohamed is one of the very professional trainers i have ever met he is very organized, interactive , punctual , detailed and influence and i met him in Modern recruitment course it's a very professional and it's content very smart i would like ta say thanks for you and LinkedIn to give us this chance to coup the new trends.”

Abdallah Abdelkawy

Human Resources Manager Alfa Care

“Mohamed is one of the best professionals I came across my career, he is always looking to share his so much valuable knowledge and experiences with others and my plan is to attend his upcoming events, beside all of that he is very helpful person, honest and shows enthusiasm and high team spirit.”

Hazem Ahmed

Talent Acquisition Lead El Hazek Construction

“Mohamed is a talented trainer who have a unique way of putting his past experience and best practices to add real value in any training in HR field. I attend the " PHRi Preparation course " and " Modern Recruiter " with him and i'm looking forward to attend any of his upcoming events.”

Ghada Youssef Wagih

Office Manager Hossam Nabil Architecture and Design

“Mr. Mohamed Shokry deserves more than my recommendation, I have had the pleasure to get knowing him on both business and personal levels. He is a driven, organized instructor who develops inspiring relationships with others. He works on developing his and others skills passionately, embraces any opportunity for professional development. Mr. Shokry has a wonderful rapport with all people.As for the Modern Recruitment Course, i strongly recommend everyone interested In Human Resource especially "Recruitment Function"(Talent Acquisition) to take it with Mr. Shokry as he simply delivers his knowledge with great initiative and with a positive attitude. Course's content is very well organised, rich, full of useful information and targets attendees objectives. I honestly recommend Mr. Shokry without any reservation.”

Mostafa Naguib

Founder and CEO Growth Corner

“Your constant advice and guidance greatly helped me in one of the hardest situations that I've ever been through. I would recommend you to anyone who needs guidance and training in any field, especially in the field of Human Resources. ”

Ahmed Hosny

HR Section Head Universal for Home Appliances

“Mr. Mohamed is one my best trainer i have ever met, I wish you more and more success.”

Mahmoud Helmy

Customer Service Manager Orange Business Services

“Mohamed is one of the most inspiring people and trainers that I have ever met, his dedication, commitment, knowledge, expertise and practices were a key success factors during my MBA modules specially in HRM and Management .. he was always motivating and interacting with which lead me to well understand and get the value of the modules with great results .. it has been a pleasure dealing with Mohamed as a student and I'm looking forward to more collaborations and contributions .. thanks for being a real role model and very professional and effective trainer, instructor and facilitator! .”

Eng. Mohamed Adel, MBA

Operational Excellence Consultant Symbios Consulting

“Mohamed is very professional trainer and consultant. He was my instructor of Management and Human Resources Management Modules for MBA Program. He is talented person, has strong passion while teaching and coaching. I learnt from him alot even on my character side, he could enrich our knowledge and skills and provided strategic appraoches for how to implement the knowlege and achieve the results. I Wish you sucess in the future. ”

Kareem Shaaban

Talent Acquisition Section Head B.TECH

“Mohamed is a very professional trainer and has advanced skills to diver his knowledge and passionate about developing people.”

Mira Draz

Senior Specialist, Talent Management Emaar Misr

“Really this course was very beneficial to me I learned a lot of things. How that the world totally changed in recruitment process. Not our role to recruit employee but also how to retain them in our company. Working with passion and teamwork is the key success of any sustainable business. I want to thank you for the knowledge you afford to us and waiting more workshops to gain more knowledge.”

Amr Redallah

HR Opearations Development Manager Ibnsina Pharma

“Mr.Mohamed is one of the best profissional facilitator in egypt.”

Hebaa Talaat


شكرا حقيقى على السيشن الجميله دى انا طلعت مستفيده جدا من السيشن والمواهب وضحتلى بصوره اكبر وبشكل كويس لما بيجتمع الفهم والمعرفه والشغف والخبره والوعى ف حقيقى بيطلع نتايج روعه ودا اللى طلعت بيه معاك فهمك ووعيك وخبرتك وعلمك واسلوبك اللبق اليسير اللى بتعرف تنصت كويس جدا ف الوقت المناسب وبتعرف تتكلم امتى ف الوقت المناسب حقيقى استفدت جدا وايمانك القوى بتقييم جالوب وحقيقى عندك حق فعلا لان التقييم طلع حجات قويه جدا والجميل انك فعلا كنت عايز تفيدنى من خبرتك وعلمك شكرا حقيقى ويا رب من نجاح لنجاح👏🏻🌸🙏🏻

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